Tag Archives: hummus

Chipotle Hummus: It’s What’s For Dinner

11 Aug

Today I’m giving my body a rest from yoga. That means I have two yoga classes in a row to look forward to tomorrow 😀

In the meantime, I’m about to eat dinner: miso soup (thank you, Trader Joe’s :D) and spicy, zesty hummus on a pita…

Chipotle Hummus

2 cups of chickpeas/garbanzo beans
2 cloves garlic
Juice of 1 lemon
½ teaspoon sea salt
1 tablespoon (or more :D) red chili flakes
2 tablespoons virgin olive oil

Puree all of the above in a blender (or a food processor, if your kitchen is more decked out than mine :D) to desired consistency. Add a few drops of water to make your hummus as creamy as you want 😀 *Note: this recipe yields a ton of hummus, so grab your tupperware!

My hummus wasn’t ready for a glamour shot tonight, but these gorgeous summer flowers certainly were:

Wednesday night… that’s pretty close to the weekend, right 😀 Almost there!